Since we live longer and longer, our goal is not to loose our wits too early

– Zoltan Olah, Ph.D. molecular biologist

More and more people suffer from diseases that are epidemic in industrialised countries. Maintaing the high quality of life of people older than 70 is a big challenge.

It is important to focus on prevention in the age of genomics (genetic research) by keeping our body and mind in a great shape based on the latest knowledge provided by researchers.

We can support our body by non-toxic phytochemicals that are tested by scientists, instead of drugs. This goal is served by our food supplements made from special herbs and spices that are mixed based on their known phytochemical compounds.

The developers of these food supplements have used a state-of-the-art bioinformatics tool with which they collected all those results of the scientific literature that were coming from projects that aimed to improve the quality of life, or studied how to prevent chronic diseases. Based on these findings and their own results of computational chemistry, and molecular biology they have choosen those herbs and spices, very carefully, that contain the phytochemicals necessary to keep healthy our body.

The bioactive phytochemicals found in these spices and herbs target those proteins in our body that have health boosting effects both general and selective. The main side-effect of these food supplements is the sustainable healthy life, if one takes it daily.

Fighting with plaque diseases with plaque buster mechanism capable herbs